Our experienced staff members continue to refine and develop curriculum offerings which will meet both systemic and student needs.
Our distinctive curriculum offerings include:
Life Education: Family Planning Queensland (every 2nd year); Bravehearts; Basic First Aid for students
Somerset Festival of Literature
NAIDOC week learning and engagement rotations and celebrations
Prep Father’s Day breakfast
Prep Mother’s Day afternoon tea
School excusions & camps, from Prep through to Year 6
Project Club: life and social skills development for senior students
Senior debating competition
Speechmakers competition; from Prep to Year 6
Book week learning and engagement rotations
Whole school musical production (every 2nd year)
Instrumental music – department (from Year 4)
Instrumental music – private tuition (from Year 1)
Specialist lessons in HPE, Music and LOTE (Japanese for Years 5/6)
Reading: Gold Coast Mobile library visits
Bike Safety (Year 4)
Learn to swim (Prep-Year 4)
Surf awareness and safety (Years 5/6)
Sporting opportunities
School Athletics Day
Hinterland Small Schools Athletics Carnival
Hinterland Small Schools Soccer/Netball Carnival
Hinterland Small Schools Swimming Carnival (Year 3-6)
Interschool sport – soccer
Interschool sport – netball
District athletics carnivals – nominations and trials
District and Regional sport team nominations and trials
Our participation in and offerings of extra-curricular activities are extensive and inclusive of all students.