CVSS realise the difficulties some parents face with not being able to call into school during office hours, so the following alternatives are available to give complete 24 hour service, to suit your needs.
1) BPoint - the department's preferred method of payment
Use the link to pay on your computer or smartphone.
Payments must be made 48 hours prior to closing to enable transfer from bank to bank.
2) Direct Deposit into the school's bank account with details as follows:
BSB Number: 064-404 (CBA Branch BURLIEGH HEADS QLD)
Account Number: 00090557
Reference/Details: Please record both Student name & Reference
Payments must be made 48 hours prior to closing to enable transfer from bank to bank.
3) Paying in Person
Payments can be made by cash/EFTPOS/credit card each day prior to 11:00am. Please be aware that correct cash is necessary as there is no float to provide change.
4) Fortnightly Centrelink Payments
If you currently receive Centrelink payments, you can arrange for student fees to be automatically deducted via Centrepay. Please contact the school to organise the fortnightly auto deduction amount.